Is your mind blocking your intuition?
Jaz Intuitive Counsellor Jaz Intuitive Counsellor

Is your mind blocking your intuition?

This week’s topic is so important: being aware of mind traps will help you increase the accuracy of your readings because this awareness will help you realize when your mind is controlling the session, and when real intuition is actually flowing.

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Are you breaking Rule #1 for asking powerful questions for intuitive insights
Jaz Intuitive Counsellor Jaz Intuitive Counsellor

Are you breaking Rule #1 for asking powerful questions for intuitive insights

Instead of asking questions like "Should I take this class?" or "Should I stay in this relationship?" or "Should I apply for this job?" or "Am I supposed to go on this trip?" or "Will I find love one day?" or "Can I afford this?"... why not break some rules and make your own destiny? I know, crazy concept, right?

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