Are you breaking Rule #1 for asking powerful questions for intuitive insights

We've all been there, my friends. You know, those moments when we start questioning everything. Our jobs, our love lives, our overall existence. It's like we're stuck in a never-ending cycle of frustration, heartbreak, and confusion. All we want is some divine intervention, a sign from the spirit guides, the angels, or even God and Goddess themselves. We just want someone to tell us that we're on the right path, doing the right thing, making the right decisions.

But here's the thing, folks. We can't just sit around twiddling our thumbs, waiting for the universe to hand us a clear-cut to-do list. No siree! We've got to take matters into our own hands. Sure, you might hear people complaining about how their pendulum, Oracle Card, or crystal "doesn't work" and gives them baffling answers. Or how a psychic once told them to do something that turned out to be a total flop. It's enough to make you scratch your head in confusion.

Instead of asking questions like "Should I take this class?" or "Should I stay in this relationship?" or "Should I apply for this job?" or "Am I supposed to go on this trip?" or "Will I find love one day?" or "Can I afford this?"... why not break some rules and make your own destiny? I know, crazy concept, right?

Here's the truth bombs I'm about to drop on you: no one, and I mean NO ONE, has the map of your life except for you. You are the captain of your own ship, the master of your own fate. It's up to you to decide what experiences you want to have in this crazy journey we call life, and then work with Spirit to figure out how to make them happen.

So, my dear rule-breakers, listen closely. When you ask those "Should I," "Am I supposed to," "Can I," or "Will I" questions, you're essentially giving away your power and authority. You're letting someone or something else choose for you. And that, my friends, is breaking Intuitive Readings Rule #1: "I am the Queen of my life experience."

So, let's take back our crowns and make our own darn decisions! You have the power within you, my friends. Trust your instincts, listen to your gut, and dance to the beat of your own drum. You've got this, and no oracle tool or psychic can tell you otherwise. Now go out there and rule your kingdom!

So then, as the Queen — or Goddess, King, CEO — of your life experience, what questions could you ask that would be more powerful and insightful?  Try this exercise.

Taking back your power exercise

  1. Light a candle, play soft music, burn incense…  do what you need to do to feel zen.

  2. Brainstorm on what it would be like to truly be the Queen of your life.  How would you feel?  What would a perfect day look like?  Who would be surrounding you?  What would be the state of your finances?  How would your home or work environment be like?  Describe in as much detail as possible.

  3. List at least five (5) possible ACTIONS you could take THIS WEEK to bring yourself to this state of awareness and being-ness. 

  4. Take your favourite Oracle tool (pendulum or muscle testing would work best).  Breathe and centre yourself, then ask the following questions:

Given that it is my intention to experience myself as the Queen of my life experience…

Is [name or number of the listed action] in alignment with manifesting my intention this week? Is any of these actions more aligned to manifesting my intention than the others?  Which one?  Is it [Action name of number]? Do I give myself permission, at a soul level, to proceed with this chosen action?

5.  Follow up with your personal reading, and TAKE ACTION!

6.  Share your insights and your results - let’s inspire each other!

I’ll write about Rule #2, dealing with clarity of intention, in my next article.  Until then, I am surrounding you in White Light and Divine Love.


Rule #2 for mastering intuitive readings: Productive Questions are Everything


Is fear holding you back from developing your intuition?