The Journey of Releasing and Becoming
Jacynthe Villemaire Jacynthe Villemaire

The Journey of Releasing and Becoming

These powerful words hold the key to unlocking profound healing and transformation in your life. But what does it really mean to release what no longer serves you? And how can you create lasting change that aligns with your deepest desires?

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Midlife: a crisis or an opportunity?
Jacynthe Villemaire Jacynthe Villemaire

Midlife: a crisis or an opportunity?

Let's be real – midlife isn't always glamorous. One moment, you're blissfully sipping your morning coffee, and the next, you're staring in horror at the surprise chin hair that seems to have sprouted overnight making you wonder if you really need Merlin’s beard to step into your magical self. Because that chin hair doesn’t come with any apparent magic power except growing from 0 to 2 inches at the most inappropriate time.

But did you know that it’s not only your body that is transforming in midlife — your energetic imprint is also clamouring to expand, to release what feels restrictive and to finally be all you can be. Much of the emotional drama happens when we don’t listen to the whispers of our souls and try keeping everything contained. Imagine what could happen if you allowed yourself to heal and mature instead of continuing to keep the peace and feeling stuck in the same-old, same-old.

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Happy New Year! Intuitive Insights for 2016
Jaz Intuitive Counsellor Jaz Intuitive Counsellor

Happy New Year! Intuitive Insights for 2016

This year, we will likely be presented with many challenges to help us balance our feminine and masculine energies.  We need to cultivate our ability to listen to our spiritual insights, AND implement them.  We need to rest AND take action.  We need to surrender AND keep journeying forward.

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