Aromatherapy for the Heart Chakra

As I have previously written, our sense of smell is amazing for transporting us to different times and places.  It can trigger emotional and physical responses.  It can trigger fear and anger if we smell something that reminds us of a past hurt or trauma.  But scents can also help us release stress and anxiety and transport our brain and its wonderful chemistry to a place of peace, Love and harmony.

The Heart Chakra resonates with the sacred Element of Air.  Because scents are often carried to our nose through air particles, working with various aromas is well indicated when we choose to open and heal this chakra.  The sense of smell and the respiratory system are closely linked to the Heart Chakra.  Each breath you take carries oxygen to your body.  Every breath you take moves your lungs; imagine this movement cradling and massaging your heart.  Spend a few minutes in quiet contemplation as you focus on your breathing.

This week, be very mindful of the scents around you.  Become conscious how each scent makes you feel.  Are you welcoming the various scents as they talk to your subconscious?  Are the scents in your home contributing to that “homey feeling” you enjoy?  Are you closed to all external scents or overly sensitive to aromas, and is your body triggered with certain scents?  Do you take a deep breath or do you choke up?  Be conscious and mindful; ask your body, your mind and your heart what message is behind each feeling or reaction triggered.

Here are some of my favourite aromas for the Heart Chakra.

Rose:  For thousands of years, the scent of rose has been linked with the feeling of unconditional love.  It helps us reconnect with our divine essence.  It can assist in healing a broken heart and in calling in new love into one’s life.  It is very soothing and can alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety.  I find that Rose connects me to the higher realms and to spiritual guides, including saints - like Thérèse de Lisieux - and Mother Mary.

Chamomile:  This herbal and sweet scent is very soothing and calming.  Chamomile is said to stabilize the emotions and can help release toxic emotions such as anger and resentment; emotions that can weigh heavily on the heart.  Inhale deeply as you curl up with a good cup of chamomile tea!

Jasmine:  The scent of jasmine is very uplifting.  It makes my heart smile as it transports me to a more tropical paradise, and in that sense it helps me combat winter depression.

Strawberry:  Now this is a fun-loving, nurturing scent that always brings me back to lush summer days of my childhood.  I enjoy using strawberry when I work in inner child issues, because it makes me feel safe, protected and joyful.  It’s always easier to find inner peace, joy and forgiveness when we feel safe and loved!

How to use these scents:

Enjoy any one of these scents on their own, or combine them to make you own unique Heart Chakra blend.  When I was working in an office environment, I placed a tissue in a 1 ounce plastic container.  I placed a few drops of essential oils on the tissue and put the lid on the container.  A few times a day, I would take the lid off and breathe in deeply the aromas; it helped me work on my chakras (during my breaks) while not imposing scents on my coworkers.

At home, place a few drops of your favourite scent in a candle warmer or diffuser.  I always fill the top of the candle warmer with water so that the scents can evaporate on top of the water without splattering oil everywhere.  Scented candles and incense are also a wonderful way to fill your space with healing aromas.

An other great way to enjoy these soothing aromas is by soaking in them.  For the Heart Chakra, I recommend using 1 cup of pink Himalayan salt, 2 tbsp baking soda, 1 tbsp almond or coconut oil, 1 tbsp honey, and 10-20 drops of your favourite scent.  Dilute in a very warm bath and soak for at least 20 minutes.  Focus on your breathing, and imagine the healing properties of the plants entering your body through your nose while old energies leave your body with your exhale.  At the end of your soak, pat dry your body to keep some of the scent of your skin, and rest.

Have issues come up this month pertaining to your Heart Chakra?  I can help you work through them by helping you connect to your inner wisdom.  My sessions are intuitive as I tap into what your soul wants you to know.  I connect to higher realms using Reiki, an energy that can help shift and deeply transform how you feel.


Are you living your Truth?


Favourite crystals for the Heart Chakra