Rule #3 for asking masterful intuitive questions

Hey there, my wonderful readers! I gotta say, the feedback on my last two articles has been absolutely fantastic! It warms my heart to know that you're finding the Rules for mastering Intuitive Readings super helpful. Seriously, you guys rock!

And guess what? I want more of that feedback ! Keep those comments and questions coming, my friends. Your engagement is what keeps this Chakra Clinic train chugging along.

Now, let's get down to business, shall we? Here are the rules to take your Intuitive Readings to a whole new level, whether you're using a pendulum, Oracle cards, or any other groovy spiritual tool.

Rule #1: I am the Queen of my life experience

Rule #2: Productive Questions are everything

Are you ready for Rule #3?  Here's the scoop:

The mind is the servant

Meditate with this quote, attributed to Albert Einstein:

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift."

Are you ready to remember your gift? My guess is that you are, since you're here reading this message. But like many, you might have an internal struggle going on, because you might believe that putting the rational mind back in the service of your imagination and intuition means that you have to have a blank mind when you meditate, or worse, to give up on logic to become spiritual. Fear not, for this is not true!

Let's redefine this quote a little:
The ideal relationship between gift and servant is one of cooperation and mutual support, where each one draws on the strength of the other. The intuitive mind can not do its work when it is overly controlled by logic. The rational mind can not help you come to grounded and useful conclusions if it is governed by flights of fancy from pure dreaming or channelling energy. They both work together to gather information from the spiritual and the physical worlds, so you can remain balanced, calm, and a manifestor extraordinaire!

Here's a not-so-ordinary meditation tip:
When I meditate, I like to take a walk, or garden, or even do the dishes. I find that when my rational mind is busy with a repetitive task, my intuitive mind can more easily travel. Repetitive tasks can become very refreshing and insightful! Who knew doing the dishes could be a spiritual experience, right

Give your ego a funny name:
I tell my clients to give a name to their ego or thinking brains because it helps to gain perspective and to find more creative solutions. When the rational mind pops in with the grocery list, or fear-based thoughts, or that whole list of to-dos… I simply say, "Thank you Professor Thinks-A-Lot, for alerting me to this issue. Now, please take your clipboard and inventory all the good reasons and methods to bring me to my objective." It's like giving your inner worrier a job title and making them work for you!

Try it, and let me know how this works for you! Who knows, with your rational mind noticing more synchronicities and opportunities, you might amp up your manifestation game!

How does this apply to your Intuitive Readings? With these following principles:

  • Here's the deal: when you sit down to meditate or connect with your spiritual guides, your mind doesn't have to be all Zen-like and perfectly calm. Nope, it's got a job to do, my friend, and that job is to ask questions! Your mind transforms into a private investigator, sniffing out the next right question to ask, while your Higher Self and Spirit high five each other and provide the answers. (Check out Rule #2 for some guidance in your question-finding quest, by the way!)

  • Now, here's the fun part - the optimal state of mind for your Intuitive work is all about being relaxed, calm, but alert. We're not talking about going into ultra-deep meditative states here, people. You need to keep your wits about you and stay aware of your surroundings. Even if your cat decides to park itself on your lap, or your dog starts an epic chase with a squirrel, or your kid barges in with yet another after-school question (seriously, kids, am I right?), you gotta stay focused. Trust me, been there, done that!

  • But here's something super important to remember: all the intuitive info you get is driven by your intention. Be cautious of any sneaky agendas your ego might have or the need to prove yourself right. Those things will totally mess with your results, and nobody wants that! And here's the kicker - since the voice of Spirit is as soft as a feather, your mind might override those true intuitive insights if you're all attached to a specific answer or outcome. So chillax and let the intuition flow, my friend!

  • But hold up, before you dive in, ask yourself this: why do you want to tap into your intuition? If it's just for kicks and giggles, because you want to know if you wore bell-bottoms in a past life or what your future hot date might be thinking about you, then you're not seeking wisdom, my dear. Nope, you're treating this amazing gift like a sideshow act. Show some discipline, hone that mind of yours, and ask for practical information that you can actually use in your everyday life. You got this!

    I'll be back with more mind-trap-busting tips in my next article. Until then, I’m surrounding you with sparkling White Light and showering you with buckets of Divine Love!

    Psst... Have you already started seeing some crazy good results and subtle shifts in your Intuitive Readings by following these Golden Rules? Give me a shout, I'm dying to know!


Merry Winter Solstice 2015!


Rule #2 for mastering intuitive readings: Productive Questions are Everything