Soaking up the sun and putting sparkles in my aura

Birds singing.  Wind chimes gently ringing.  Trees budding and tulips sprouting.  And here I sit, with the sun on my face, soaking up this wonderful energy.  Nature’s magic is in full swing in this change of seasons, and I’m loving this.

Yesterday afternoon was so beautiful and although my body aches a bit from muscles I haven’t used in a long time, I rejoice in the hours spent raking the back yard and picking up old leaves and foliage from the flower beds.  I told the budding tulips, daffodils and hyacinths how happy I am to see them again for a new season.  I talked to my garden about my plans for the upcoming season.  I hugged my special tree and felt its energy rising after a cold, long winter.

I am reconnecting to the Earth element.  I am reconnecting to my magic.  I am shaking off the old cobwebs of winter.  I feel I am coming back to life.  I’m sure my aura is sparkling bright with golden light.

Things sure do feel different, however.  The energy changes of the past few weeks have not quite completed their transition and transformation.  This season, things can not be done like they’ve always been…  there’s an air of innovation and creativity floating about.  Those who are resisting this current will feel uncomfortable and irritable.  Those going with the flow of change will see their energy, their life’s perspective and their intuitive abilities expand beyond the limitations that have existed up to now.  Each one of us must choose between resistance and flow, and work with the consequences of our personal choice.  The impact of our direction will have a long-lasting ripple-effect.  I suggest it’s time to get equipped with the tools required to keep an open mind, an open heart, and an ability to be flexible in mind-emotions and body.

The recent moon cycles have brought to the surface old emotions, thoughts and patterns that needed airing out.  I’ve had my share of “a-ha” moments concerning my wellbeing, and I am aware of several shifts that are in the works.  I’ve peeled off, gently and with compassion, yet an other layer of hurt feelings and ego-based protection mechanisms to allow new loving energy to flow to and through me. I am working on a deeper level with the Reiki Precepts and am finding more ease in my daily life as I release that which does not support my highest good.  Have you felt the changes?  Are you noticing your inner transformation?

I’ve been finding it difficult lately to sit at my computer and write articles.  I feel that I need to take on a new direction, and boldly go where I have not dared go before… and yet the ideas are spinning so fast it’s difficult to concentrate on one!  Be ready for a change of pace in my weekly emails starting next month!  Guidance will be coming from an other level entirely…

For the next few weeks, we are completing the journey started six months ago through the chakras.  At the Crown, the big message is to rest, slow the pace, and allow for your intuition to guide you.  After all, your intuition is your link to the higher, and divine, realms and therefore your creative ideas are divinely inspired - however crazy or irrational they may feel at times.

Just for today, take time to breathe deeply.  Soak in the sunshine, even for just a few minutes while on your work-break.  Notice how Nature is returning to her cycle of fertile abundance. Smile.  Realize how deeply you are loved and how completely guided you are, even if you don’t feel it every moment of every day.  It truly are the small things in life that can have the biggest impact on your daily vibes.  What small sign from Nature did you notice today to make your heart sing?

What see you in your crystal ball?


A little poem for a fawn