Celebrate Your Inner Light!

The Winter Solstice is that special time of year where cultures and religions around the world, in the northern hemisphere, come together to celebrate Light on Earth. It's a splendid occasion that takes various forms, but one thing remains constant: the gentle glow of candles and the sharing of heartfelt wishes for joy and prosperity.

Now, here's a fascinating tidbit for you: did you know that these illuminating festivities are not simply a coincidence? Nope, not at all! In fact, many religious traditions have drawn inspiration from the ancient practice of observing the cycles of the sun. During this period of darkness, something remarkable happens. The Sun appears to draw nearer to our planet, and like magic, the days begin to get longer. It's like a beautiful dance between the sun and the Earth, bringing hope and warmth to our hearts in the midst of winter's chill.

So, imagine the significance of this celestial event—cultures all around the world tapping into the ancient wisdom and wonder of the Winter Solstice. By lighting candles and sharing wishes, we honour the timeless connection between light and life, between the sun and our existence.

It's a true celebration of renewal and rebirth, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope. And it's this hope that sustains us, filling our hearts with joy and our minds with dreams of prosperity for the coming year.

My kitchen island dressed up as an Altar to the 4 Elements

To me, the Winter Solstice is the perfect time to meditate on my shadow aspects and also on the projects and energy I want to bring forth in the coming year.  I typically stay up the whole night of the Solstice painting, dancing, meditating and enjoying the company of like-minded friends.  At sunrise, we go outdoors near the beautiful St. Lawrence River and we ring bells to welcome the sun and the new solar year.  We finally go to bed at around 8AM.  The deeper significance of this night of vigil is that there is always hope, even in our darkest of times.  

Meditating on our darker aspects can truly be a transformative experience. Within the depths of our being, there lie countless nuggets of truth and wisdom waiting to be uncovered. These valuable lessons not only contribute to the growth of our soul but also serve as a powerful tool to reconnect with the boundless source of Light and Love that surrounds us.

When we take the time to explore our shadows, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and what truly matters to our soul's journey. In this process of self-discovery, we begin to recognize the aspects of our lives that have been overshadowed or neglected. By shining a light on these hidden corners, we can uncover the authentic essence of who we are and embrace our power to create positive change in the world.

Through meditation, we embark on a sacred journey of self-empowerment and authenticity. As we delve into our darker aspects, we confront our fears, insecurities, and doubts. It is within these moments of vulnerability that we find the strength to overcome the obstacles that hold us back. By facing our shadows head-on, we gain the tools to transcend limiting beliefs and step into our true potential.

As the light of awareness illuminates our darkest corners, we begin to see how we can make a difference in the world. Our newly found authenticity and empowerment become powerful catalysts for positive change. By embracing our true self and sharing our unique gifts, we create a ripple effect that reaches far beyond our individual sphere. In this way, we contribute to making the world a better place by inspiring others to do the same.

Ultimately, meditating on our darker aspects is an act of self-love and self-discovery. It is through this process that we gain the invaluable lessons which help us grow, evolve, and reconnect with the essence of our being. Let us embark upon this journey with open hearts and open minds, knowing that by embracing our shadows, we are not only empowering ourselves but also illuminating the path towards a brighter and more loving world.

Image: This year's Winter Solstice Meditative Painting

Looking at this time of celebration through the lens of the Solar Plexus Chakra, it is a perfect time to tend to our inner light, where we store our vital life force energy.  Take this quick quiz to check in on your Solar Plexus:

Simply answer YES or NO to each of the statements below.

  • I feel confident in most situations. 

  • I am able to laugh easily. 

  • I see projects and commitments through to completion. 

  • I feel I have a healthy digestive system. 

  • I speak up for myself. 

  • I have the courage to take risks when necessary. 

  • I establish appropriate boundaries for myself. 

How did you score?  If you answers “NO” more than four times, it may indicate that your solar plexus chakra is lacking in energy. If you score four or more YES answers, wonderful! You are balanced in the solar plexus centre.

I love a good Sun Meditation to help balance my energy and boost my confidence, joy and personal radiance.  Use this visualization to enhance your inner peace and sense of self-worth.  When possible, do this meditation while standing in sunlight, offering your forehead and solar plexus to the light and warmth of the sun.

Take a deep breath, and gently close your eyes.  Imagine yourself standing at the top of a mountain. With your inhale, imagine you are breathing in the golden light from the sun.  With your imagination, bring this golden breath to your stomach area, where it ignites the spark within your own fire centre. You are filled with this brilliant solar energy. Your power centre is radiating with vital life force.  Imagine that with each breath, you are bringing golden light to your entire body, especially to areas that feel cold or achy.  When your body is filled imagine that, with your exhale, you are sharing this golden light to your projects, to your relationships, to your finances…  Envelop them in golden light, and know that this light will energize them and will help them grow.  When you feel complete, gently open your eyes and give thanks to the Sun.  Take this calm and restorative power into your life and move forwards with confidence and courage. 

So let's join hands, my friend, and embrace the magical energy that permeates the Winter Solstice celebrations. Together, let us welcome the light, cherish the traditions, and kindle the flame of hope in our hearts. May this Winter Solstice be a time of warmth, connection, and boundless possibilities.


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A simple ceremony for the Winter Solstice