Root Chakra: Gateway to Vitality

I am delighted to start this monthly series on chakras!

In the last post, I wrote that we have energy points in our bodies that correlate with glands of the endocrine system, and that the function of the hormones produced by these glands produce a similar physical, emotional and mental response as what has been observed over thousands of years by sages in India. These energy points are located in the body and are centred with the spinal column. In sanskrit, these energy points are referred to as “chakras” or “spinning wheel”. In addition to influencing our wellbeing, the chakras respond to colour vibration - just like a crystal in sunlight refracts the light in rainbow hues, each chakra refracts and responds to specific colours from red at the base to purple at the crown.

I am imagining now my spine as a clear double-pointed crystal, and the energy coming through me being reflected in rainbow hues all around me. It’s feeling good!

We are starting our journey through the chakras from the base up. This month: the Root chakra! It is located at the bottom of the spine with the tailbone and also the perineum area. In fact, it’s your whole “down under”. It faces toward the Earth as it moves Energy up into your body through your feet and legs, then up your spine, and back down into the Earth. This chakra is our anchor. It keeps us physically strong and mentally & emotionally stable. In terms of energy, it’s the densest and it spins more slowly than upper chakras. It vibrates to the colour red.

I’ve been writing in the past few articles about feelings of anxiety and stress; did you know that the Root Chakra has much to do with these feelings? One of the reasons I invite you to take a walk and move your body when you are feeling anxious is so you may reconnect with the Earth energy — and also let go of energies that are stagnating in your body. Think of the purpose of the Root chakra as a system to deliver fresh vital energy to your body, and the delivery guys take away the old energies in exchange. Unlike the delivery system from the store, where you must be available between 9 and 5 on a certain day and wait and wait and wait until 4:45 when they finally show up for the exchange (no, I’m not referring to the delivery of my new fridge - ok, maybe, lol), the delivery system for your energy is always available and ready to exchange new for the old… the problem is that our door is not always open. We get really busy in our heads. We get really busy being busy and we forget to take care of our body. We have lived childhood traumas or have suffered betrayal, uprooting, or physical pain and we closed up to the world.

We must feel connected to the world around us and have good relationships with our body, our family members and our tribe to feel safe and strong to deal with all that life brings our way. Otherwise, we live in our heads, in our dreams and imaginary world and lose contact with who we are. It becomes increasingly difficult to manifest what we want because we are depleted of vital life-force energy. Unfortunately, that’s when the ghosts of our past and the monsters of our imagination decide to take over and it becomes difficult to release them.

It’s important to check in with our bodies regularly and feel where we hold on to stress and anxiety. I know more than one person who clenches her butt when she becomes frightened or stressed. If you do this too, you’re not alone! Just remember to breathe and relax your muscles!

Here are four things you can do to relax your muscles and keep that chakra door open for deliveries of fresh energy:

  1. Lie down on your back. Bend your knees up, feet hips-width apart and allow your knees to touch. Place your hands on your lower belly, and breathe. Focus on your muscles, and intend for them to relax. Feel them become softer with every breath. 

  2. Take a walk. Notice nature all around you, even if you’re in a city. 

  3. Eat fresh foods that support and nurture your body. Have fun this month exploring with the colour red - red cabbage, beets, red potatoes, red onions, radishes, etc.

  4. View this video - it’s a meditation to anchor your energy and to connect with divine energy. The duration is approximately 20 minutes.

Next week, I will introduce you to crystals that resonate with the Root chakra, and I’m looking forward to sharing this article with you!

In the meantime, if you have specific questions on the health of your chakras, contact me to make an appointment!

Sending you blessings of Love!


Crystals to help you feel cool, calm and collected


What are chakras anyway?